Home Blog Style 1

Home Blog Style 12023-01-25T16:54:15+08:00

Avada includes a blog shortcode you can use anywhere on the site!

This blog shortcode was submitted by Markus, one of our Avada users and now on our developing team! It just goes to show what an awesome community we have, everyone is willing to help & share ideas. Dont wait, be a part of the Avada community today!


By |9 9 月, 2024|Categories: 婚禮紀錄|Tags: |

(音樂若無自動播放請按一下播放鍵) 婚宴: 陽明山 美軍俱樂部 婚攝: ohhiyao早安攝影 婚攝阿堯 http://ohhiyao.com 新秘: Yoko / https://www.instagram.com/koyoi0704/ 婚紗: 芭蕾摩卡婚紗工作室 BalletMocha Wedding 婚禮: 小夏 / https://www.instagram.com/meetsummerwedding/ 戒指: IPRIMO 佈置: DCT Wedding|拾夢西式婚禮團隊

婚禮|Tom,Andrea @淡水嘉廬

By |12 5 月, 2024|Categories: 婚禮紀錄|Tags: |

(音樂若無自動播放請按一下播放鍵) 婚宴: 淡水嘉廬 婚攝: ohhiyao早安攝影 婚攝阿堯 http://ohhiyao.com 新秘: 朱飾戴吉 主持: 小夏/ 遇夏婚禮/https://www.instagram.com/meetsummerwedding 婚紗: 真我 戒指: chalet 佈置: 花植系

婚禮|葉昕.冠華 @美軍俱樂部 BRICK YARD33

By |31 3 月, 2024|Categories: 婚禮紀錄|Tags: |

(音樂若無自動播放請按一下播放鍵) 婚宴: 美軍俱樂部 BRICK YARD33 婚攝: ohhiyao早安攝影 婚攝阿堯 http://ohhiyao.com 新秘: 子彧/https://www.instagram.com/tzuyuchiu_stylist 主持: 小夏/ 遇夏婚禮/https://www.instagram.com/meetsummerwedding 婚紗: Just Hsu 戒指: ALUXE 佈置: JD design/https://www.instagram.com/jddesign0214

攝影師 阿堯

LINE: OHHIYAO EMAIL: sundaeps@yahoo.com.tw

造型師 小朱

LINE: QPIG0938 EMAIL: qpig0305@gmail.com
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